I used to write a column for The Presbyterian Outlook, an independent publication that covers my denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA).
When those columns were available on the Outlook's website, I'd post them here. You can get to all my columns on the Outlook's site by clicking here. Or just click on individual columns below here. But as of 2015, the publication offers the full column online to subscribers but just a taste to non-subscribers.
I also write occasional book reviews for the Outlook. Here's the latest one:
* Sept. 9, 2022: The Book of Revolutions, by Edward Feld.
* May 15, 2019: "Listening with love"
* Jan. 30, 2019: "Rethinking evangelism"
* Dec. 18, 2018: "Everyone welcome, everyone included"
* Aug. 2, 2018: "Commitment to the rules of the game
* May 15, 2018: "GPS Report"
* March 19, 2018: "Prayers and silence"
* Sept. 18, 2017: "Biblical literacy through group study"
* Sept. 4, 2017: "Looking anew at baptism, confirmation, ordination"
* Nov. 21, 2016: "Doubt is the road to faith"
* Feb. 15, 2016: "We give ourselves up"
* Dec. 21, 2015: "A landmark year"
* July 6, 2015: "Prolonged Presbyterian Procedures"
* May 2015: "We may be wrong but. . ."
* March 2015: "Promised justice of God's reign"
* February 2015: "The promised justice of God's reign"
* December 2014: "Why do we go out?"
* October 2014: "Covenant of conversation"
* September 2014: "Offering Jesus Christ tomorrow and tomorrow"
* August 2014: "Continuing history"
* July 2014: "In celebration of the Presbyterian Jackie Robinson"
* Late June 2014: "Theological education for all"
* Early June 2014: "Library litany"
* May 2014: "Sunday school lessons"
* Late March 2014: "Seeing things clearly"
* Early March 2014: "Turning our pain toward hope"
* February 2014: "Conscientious commenting"
* January 2014: "Inclusive blessings"
* December 2013: "Moving things around"
* November 2013: "Tell us the old, old stories"
* October 2013: "Hymnalology"
* September 2013: "Does Detroit need Presbyterians?"
* August 2013: "Where to set the bar for membership?"
* Late July 2013: "A safe space for the big God questions"
* July 2013: "We should close some seminaries and refocus the ones we have left"
* June 2013: "Help kids understand not all truth is literal"
* May 2013: "A handoff may be enough to inspire a fresh start"
* April 2013: "Standing for gospel values in all the places of despair"
* March 2013: "Can we find common ground for all our Berthas and their grandchildren?"
* February 2013: "A perhaps too hasty embrace of change"
* January 2013: "Fruits of introspection"
* December 2012: "How do we get this right?"
* November 2012: "Control freaks"
* October 2012: "Neither red nor blue but all one in Christ"
* September 2012: "It's not about you, pastors"
* August 2012: "At 51-49, love loses"
* Late June 2012: "Speak no evil"
* June 2012: "At the Garden Tomb"
* May 2012: "Is it time for changes in our gatekeeping?"
* April 2012: "GPS -- finding our context"
* March 2012. "The daunting task of forgiveness."
* February 2012: "Is Presbymergence a promising path?"
* January 2012: "A Trinitarian moment"
* December 2011. "Into the Wounded World."
* November 2011. "A People Who. . ."
* October 2011. "Was the Reformation worth it?"
* September 2011. "So much change, and so little"
* August 2011. "High-stakes choice at the crossroads"
* July 2011. "No two alike."
* June 2011. "Why stay?"
* May 2011. "Why are we so divided?"
* April 2011. "Resurrecting the church"
* March 2011. "Church as a movable feast"
* February 2011. "Standing with Jesus"
* January 2011: "A charge to my pastor"
* December 2010: "Retrofitting for ministry"
* November 2010: "Prophetic Preaching Ain't Beanbag"
* October 2010. "Reaching youth."
* August/September 2010. "Searching for pastors, seeking new process."
* July 2010. "Who will be the last Presbyterian?"
* June 2010. "Where is thy sting?"
* May 2010. "What non-Christians don't understand about Christians"
* April 2010. "That Tillich fellow"
* March 2010, "Reveling and revealing"
* February 2010, "What price peace?"
* January 2010, "Sunday soteriology"
* December 2009, "The Muslims' Christmas story and interfaith dialogue"
* November 2009, "What would Jesus have us do?"
* October 2009, "There is none so blind"
* September 2009, "Facing funerals, affirming faith"
* August 2009, "Choosing a new pastor"
* July/August 2009, "Jesus in a Jewish context"
* June 2009, "Majority to minority: Good or bad?"
* May 2009, "The right way to doubt"
* April 2009, "The not-so-right stuff"
* March 2009, "Being prophetic in the Facebook age"
* February 2009. "Words of hope in times of pain"
* January 2009, "Labels: Descriptive or Discriminatory?"