A story of Christmas from my old Nativity Scene
December 25, 2019
A Merry Christmas to all celebrating that this day, as am I.
I'm going to try something a little different this year. I'm going to try giving you a Christmas story that I wrote for the now-defunct Star Magazine, part of The Kansas City Star, in 1982. It was a Christmas story about the Nativity Scene with which I grew up.
But I'm having to give it to you through jpeg photos of the original pages. I hope they will be clear enough for you to read. (You can always click on each picture to enlarge it.) If I do say so myself, I still like this story all these years later. I hope you will, too. Enjoy:
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Now here's kind of a cool idea. A Catholic church in Louisiana decided to try to spread blessings across its community by using a crop-duster plane to spread holy water across the town. Well, Christian theology says Christ came to rain, just spelled a different way -- reign.