The 'Monkey Trial' at 90: 7-20-15
Finding faith news while I'm gone: 7-22-15

Faith news while I'm gone: 7-21-15

NORTH SPRINGFIELD, Vt. -- After some family time, I expect to get back to regular blogging here on Friday, but while I work my way back to a normal routine, here are a couple of places where you can find up-to-date news about matters of religion:

NewspapersReligion News Service.

Pew Research Center on Religion and Public Life.

And if you haven't read the various essays I offer readers under the "Check this out" headline you'll find on the right side of this page, have a look.

Thanks for being a reader here.

Come back Friday and see what astonishing surprises and brilliance, if any, I have in store for you. Oh, and if you're relatively new to my blog, you have more than 10 years worth of material to catch up on in the archives, a link to which you'll find on the right hand side of this page. Dig in.


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