Jan. 31, 2008
January 31, 2008
There are appropriate times and places to cry out to God, but a bad choice would be if you're a co-pilot on a commercial flight and nothing seems to be wrong with the trip. But this report says that's just what happened on an Air Canada flight in Europe. The story properly reminds us of the 1999 Air Egypt crash in which the pilot spoke to and of God as he flew the plane into the sea.
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The other day here on the blog I linked you to a piece about evolution that said scientists and people of faith were coming closer to a mutual understanding of this long-divisive issue.
As something of a follow-up today, I want to share with you a commentary about a new publication from two scientific organizations. It says pretty explicitly that a evolution and religious faith can be quite compatible. It does this by pretty carefully defining the limits to what science can know.
The publication, "Science, Evolution and Creation" was produced by the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. The link I'm giving you for the publication will get you to a shortened version of a full 88-page report by the same name.
By the way, the author of the commentary, Phil Elias, describes the publication as written by two scientific bodies -- a description I used above. But because the Institute of Medicine was created by the National Academy of Science and is part of it I think you can make the case that it's really just one body. But perhaps that's not a major point.
I hope you will take note of the comments left at the end of the commentary and to Phil Elias' reponse to some of them. I think that will add to your reading of all this.
My own take is that when people of faith use sacred writ as a scientific textbook it gets them into trouble almost every time. That's not what the Bible, the Qur'an and other religious texts are, and to treat them that way is not only to mislead people on science but to cheapen the value of those texts.
P.S.: Speaking of creationism, Baptist Press reports that the new Museum of Creation in Kentucky is exceeding expectations in terms of draw. Wonder what the museum eventually will evolve into.
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