Feb. 28, 2006
February 28, 2006
Henry M. Morris, a founder of the modern "scientific creationism" movement and one of the authors (with John Whitcomb) of The Genesis Flood, which appeared in 1961, has died, Baptist Press reports. If you want a good, balanced history about Morris and many others in this movement, I recommend a book by Ronald L. Numbers, The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism. The book appears to be out of print, but that's what libraries and used book stores are for. Numbers teaches at the University of Wisconsin.
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The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a good and useful agency, has expressed renewed concern about religious freedom in Iran. I wish the administration paid more attention to this commission. (And I wished the same thing when Bill Clinton was president.)
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Do you think you're up to speed on religious history -- especially the Christian variety that covers some of the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Protestant Reformation?
Well, we'll see. It's pop quiz time again. The questions here today are taken from a quiz given to members of the Christian history class I'm auditing at a local seminary.
No cheating, children. Just give it your best shot.
1. Among the most important contributions of Erasmus to reform was:
A. A critical edition of the Greek New Testament
B. The 67 Conclusions.
C. A German translation of the Bible.
D. The Loci Communes.
2. Martin Luther's sudden illumination regarding the true biblical meaning of justification is call his:
A. Wartburg experience
B. Tower experience
C. Lightening experience
D. Ninety-five Theses.
3. What was the title of Ulrich Zwingli's major Reformation work written to lay the foundation for the first Zurich Debate in January 1523?
A. Psychopannychia.
B. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church.
C. Enchiridion.
D. The 67 Conclusions.
4. Luther and Zwingli parted ways over the meaning of the Lord's Supper at what noted conference?
A. Second Diet of Speyer.
B. Marburg Colloquy.
C. Diet of Augsburg.
D. First Zurcih Disputation.
5. What Swiss "industry" did Zwingli attack in his work, "The Labyrinth," where he calls for a new Theseus to come forth? (You fill in the blank _________.)
OK, how did you do? Here are the:
ANSWERS: 1 -- A; 2 -- B; 3 -- D; 4 -- B; 5 -- the mercenary trade.
By the way, for a description of the Marburg Colloquy, click here.
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A P.S. TODAY: For regular updates on the status of kidnapped freelance journalist Jill Carroll, click here. It's a site maintained by the Christian Science Monitor, for which she was working when she was captured.
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To read my latest Kansas City Star work, click here.
Today's religious holiday: Shrove Tuesday (Christian).